People data is scattered across the internet, often self-reported and inconsistent, making it hard to use in your app without significant effort. profileAPI delivers clean, structured profiles enhanced with AI, enabling you to build meaningful, confident experiences in your app effortlessly.
We don’t just provide raw datasets and leave you to figure out the rest. profileAPI consolidates profiles from multiple data sources into a unique, structured person profile that’s ready for integration into your app.
Self-reported titles, departments, and seniority levels are often inconsistent and unstructured. Our proprietary models, trained on B2B professional data, map public profiles to clean, actionable attributes like departments, teams, and seniority—so your app gets the structured data it needs.
With 700 million professionals, keeping data up-to-date is a challenge for most providers. profileAPI employs proprietary techniques to validate data in real-time, ensuring the information you receive is accurate and reliable.
Our AI-enhanced person profiles are available through Search, Enrich, Identify, and other APIs, making it easy to integrate actionable insights into your workflows.
{ "personId": "9e6a55b258ef11edb8780242ac12344556", "name": "Wissam Tabbara", "firstName": "Wissam", "lastName": "Tabbara", "linkedinURL": "", "crunchbaseURL": "", "department": "Administration", "role": "Manager", "seniority": "C-Level+", "usState": "CA", "country": "United States", "responsabilities": [{"name": "Secure Funding", "score": 0.9}], "topicsOfInterest": [{"name": "Social Selling", "score": 0.8}] }
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